It seems many Democrats and Americans have been convinced this is a "just" war for a "just" cause, and the GAZA civilian casualties are a necessary evil to "win" the war. But isn't that often the case with so many human wars? Your side is the righteous side, your side can carpet firebomb cities like Dresden, or Tokyo because that's how you win a war. As long as you can come up with some righteous excuse, any atrocity can be committed.
You're right Richard, we're all in for a hell of a ride - we may even end up in a nuclear hell before we know it. Any widening of the war in the Middle East will lead to a plummeting economy for the West. An increased priority for US military spending under Trump (as if Americans don't already spend enough) will help few except continue to line the pockets of the big defense industry corporations and their owners, continue the siphoning off of trillions of American dollars for more bombs to kill civilians in GAZA and Lebanon, and billion dollar aircraft carriers that can be put out of commission with a handful of hypersonic missiles.
Sad world, sad times. No moral thinking person could ever vote for the democratic party given a year of heinous support for the mass murder taking place in GAZA and now Lebanon, or the sabotaging of peace in Ukraine that has led to half a million dead if not more, and a country soon to be left in ruins. So all that was left was either to vote for the empty promises of Trump, or voting for a third party you knew didn't even have .05% chance to win. Or just check out, which you can do any time you like, but you can never leave.
Thank you for the excellent article.
It seems many Democrats and Americans have been convinced this is a "just" war for a "just" cause, and the GAZA civilian casualties are a necessary evil to "win" the war. But isn't that often the case with so many human wars? Your side is the righteous side, your side can carpet firebomb cities like Dresden, or Tokyo because that's how you win a war. As long as you can come up with some righteous excuse, any atrocity can be committed.
You're right Richard, we're all in for a hell of a ride - we may even end up in a nuclear hell before we know it. Any widening of the war in the Middle East will lead to a plummeting economy for the West. An increased priority for US military spending under Trump (as if Americans don't already spend enough) will help few except continue to line the pockets of the big defense industry corporations and their owners, continue the siphoning off of trillions of American dollars for more bombs to kill civilians in GAZA and Lebanon, and billion dollar aircraft carriers that can be put out of commission with a handful of hypersonic missiles.
Sad world, sad times. No moral thinking person could ever vote for the democratic party given a year of heinous support for the mass murder taking place in GAZA and now Lebanon, or the sabotaging of peace in Ukraine that has led to half a million dead if not more, and a country soon to be left in ruins. So all that was left was either to vote for the empty promises of Trump, or voting for a third party you knew didn't even have .05% chance to win. Or just check out, which you can do any time you like, but you can never leave.
Oh, if the resistance becomes widespread, Trump will order the military to bomb us into submission. And those that survive will be shot as terrorists.
Maybe. It would be worth it anyway. “Better to die on our feet …”