Thanks for your excellent article. Always appreciated. It is great that this ceasefire has come about, even though it is tens of thousands of deaths too late.

There are some things we can do to try and change the likely outcome that Israel will not complete all the ceasefire phases. This is Trump's deal, or at least he believes it is. If the deal makes him happy, he'll want to see it continue. If he gets more good feelings from those supporting the ceasefire, than those who are unhappy with it, we can pretty much count on which side a narcissist will favor.

We need to encourage an on-going campaign to send him praise, and "thank yous" to Trump, on Inauguration Day and every day thereafter. We are always ready to protest. Can we, also, make a showing of gratitude?

Let Trump feel the love for doing the right thing, no matter the reasons. He may decide he likes taking the credit for doing such a good thing. I would encourage the idea of him deserving a Nobel Peace Prize, because he will have earned it, unlike Obama. I think he'd like that. Flattery has never had a higher calling. We owe it to Gaza, to humanity, and even possibly to Trump, to give it our best try.

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You're right about Trump, Joy. I hadn't thought of it at all, but it's a smart idea.

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Thanks Rick. Tough times, appreciate your writing.

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