Hostility toward the elderly is not only evident in data regarding income, wealth and the apportionment of goods and services. Hostility toward the elderly is clearly apparent in the way elderly people live and the way the rest of us live.

As I am writing this, millions of elderly people are shunted away in miserable facilities. nursing homes, "rehabilitative" centers, etc. Their younger relatives rarely visit them as elderly people are just a snooze, and "with-it" people, grooving to the beat of some inane toon on AM radio, have no time for sad sacks and losers. Many elderly people are lying in smelly beds, drenched in their own wastes, suffering from bed sores.

Sure there is medicare. And doctors use medicare to get money for procedures that were not neceswary or were poorly administered. Medicare often seems more intent on helping doctors than their patients.

In this hypercapitalistic society, we value people whe EARN. People who don't earn big bucks are human detritus who are severely scorned. The elderly stopped earning. They are dip shits in the capitalistic Weltangshaaung (world view) and they are deplored, derided, demeaned and degrated.

Yes, the elites scorn the elderly. But so does almost everyone else in America these days. BTW. please chec,k out my essays, satires and comic pieces on substack. My name is David Gottfried. My newsletter is called "Mad Dogs and Englishmen."

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Good article and may predatory capitalism and its camp followers not go gently into that "dark" night.

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