Such a tragedy, almost beyond words yet invented. May the mental health of those being centrally traumatised heal, if the oppression and genocidal acts stop, and that cannot come too soon.
The mental health of those doing these inhumane acts, including those amongst ourselves who support them, are of, perhaps, even greater concern, for those are the madmen who control the levers of power, and seem to despise our world. I fear they will not hesitate to do the same to any/everyone, any/everywhere.
Such a tragedy, almost beyond words yet invented. May the mental health of those being centrally traumatised heal, if the oppression and genocidal acts stop, and that cannot come too soon.
The mental health of those doing these inhumane acts, including those amongst ourselves who support them, are of, perhaps, even greater concern, for those are the madmen who control the levers of power, and seem to despise our world. I fear they will not hesitate to do the same to any/everyone, any/everywhere.