America leadership is corrupt, it only serves the rich and turns its back to everyone else. It is a rigged system that is failing Americans. Capitalism has failed, republicans have failed and democrats have failed. We know what does not work, so let's not waste anymore time or votes on them. The future is American's rebelling from their corrupt government, voting 3rd party and getting the government to fear us.
Among a small number of ex-progressives and other poorly informed voters there is a NIHILISM problem. I will summarize in the following way: 1) The two parties are the same, so it doesn't matter who you vote for, 2) It doesn't matter that that Republicons have consistently proposed legislation to destroy unions, 3 It doesn't matter that the T-RUMP Supreme Court will soon let religious fanatics destroy a woman's right to control her body, 4) It doesn't matter that the Republicons have consistently blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of hard working people in limbo and separating families, 5) It doesn't matter that the Republicons oppose policies to protect the environment and create renewable and cleaner energy sources. Even though the very imperfect Democrats have better positions on all these and other issues, Ms. Woods is telling us to vote for 3rd parties who can never win a national election. This the poor logic used by many who didn't vote or voted for DON the CON or 3rd parties. FACE THE FACTS! We have to choose from lesser evils, like it or not.
We got in this mess by choosing the lesser of two evils and it has failed us. The only thing we get by voting for democrats is increased inequality and more deadly Climate Change.
You are wrong on all counts and you have no strategy. It is not a strategy to tell people to vote for 3rd parties with NO POSSIBILITY of winning. That is one of the reasons that Don the CON had 4 years to destroy the environment and create a Supreme Court which attacks women's right to choose and allows voter suppression. Biden has been the first president since Roosevelt to even begin to address inequality and to make substantial steps toward creating renewable and clean energy sources. The Democrats are far from perfect and we need to continue to pressure them to ALWAYS do the right thing, but your "alternative" is NO alternative.
There is no strategy in voting for R's or D's who have failed us, all of our lives. Going a whole new way, with a 3rd party is our only hope. If both R's & D's would stop being good team members and start taking notice that they are always on the losing end of every battle - when they are sick and tired of getting poorer, while watching the rich, getting richer, they will figure out their only power is withholding their vote from that system. And the only way to vote that bad system out, is vote 3rd party. Then the majority of people will vote 3rd party and take back their power. When something does not work, you go a whole new way, it is basic logic.
You are repeating wing-nut talking points. There is NO POWER in withholding your vote. It only insures that the WORST POSSIBLE CANDIDATE will get into power, which is exactly what happened with DRUMP. Also, your view is ahistorical. There have been many victories and improvements over the years for many people, even if you are not aware of them or haven't felt them. The majority of people will vote for a 3rd party? WHEN? In 2050, 2060 or 2090? Your arguments are ridiculous and you show NO LOGIC. The logic and clear strategic position of Progressive Democrats is very clear. We push progressive positions within the Democratic Party. There are good Democrats and others who are terrible like Manchin and Sinema. We support the most progressive elements while we criticize and pressure the others. We know that we will not get EVERYTHING we demand, but if we consistently promote our values, principles and policies we will eventually accomplish some of our goals, if not all. If the Republicons are in power none of this will happen. With that I am ending this conversation. Go back and study the New Deal. Bye.
Insanity is continuing to make the same mistake over and over again. Inequality is getting bigger and so is Climate Change, continue to vote the same, and you will get the same results.
A 100% tax on all wealth over say $25B would be an excellent idea. Sadly, Emperor Manchin and the Republicans will never allow it to become reality.
Nor will the other half of the Party
America leadership is corrupt, it only serves the rich and turns its back to everyone else. It is a rigged system that is failing Americans. Capitalism has failed, republicans have failed and democrats have failed. We know what does not work, so let's not waste anymore time or votes on them. The future is American's rebelling from their corrupt government, voting 3rd party and getting the government to fear us.
Among a small number of ex-progressives and other poorly informed voters there is a NIHILISM problem. I will summarize in the following way: 1) The two parties are the same, so it doesn't matter who you vote for, 2) It doesn't matter that that Republicons have consistently proposed legislation to destroy unions, 3 It doesn't matter that the T-RUMP Supreme Court will soon let religious fanatics destroy a woman's right to control her body, 4) It doesn't matter that the Republicons have consistently blocked immigration reform, leaving millions of hard working people in limbo and separating families, 5) It doesn't matter that the Republicons oppose policies to protect the environment and create renewable and cleaner energy sources. Even though the very imperfect Democrats have better positions on all these and other issues, Ms. Woods is telling us to vote for 3rd parties who can never win a national election. This the poor logic used by many who didn't vote or voted for DON the CON or 3rd parties. FACE THE FACTS! We have to choose from lesser evils, like it or not.
We got in this mess by choosing the lesser of two evils and it has failed us. The only thing we get by voting for democrats is increased inequality and more deadly Climate Change.
You are wrong on all counts and you have no strategy. It is not a strategy to tell people to vote for 3rd parties with NO POSSIBILITY of winning. That is one of the reasons that Don the CON had 4 years to destroy the environment and create a Supreme Court which attacks women's right to choose and allows voter suppression. Biden has been the first president since Roosevelt to even begin to address inequality and to make substantial steps toward creating renewable and clean energy sources. The Democrats are far from perfect and we need to continue to pressure them to ALWAYS do the right thing, but your "alternative" is NO alternative.
There is no strategy in voting for R's or D's who have failed us, all of our lives. Going a whole new way, with a 3rd party is our only hope. If both R's & D's would stop being good team members and start taking notice that they are always on the losing end of every battle - when they are sick and tired of getting poorer, while watching the rich, getting richer, they will figure out their only power is withholding their vote from that system. And the only way to vote that bad system out, is vote 3rd party. Then the majority of people will vote 3rd party and take back their power. When something does not work, you go a whole new way, it is basic logic.
You are repeating wing-nut talking points. There is NO POWER in withholding your vote. It only insures that the WORST POSSIBLE CANDIDATE will get into power, which is exactly what happened with DRUMP. Also, your view is ahistorical. There have been many victories and improvements over the years for many people, even if you are not aware of them or haven't felt them. The majority of people will vote for a 3rd party? WHEN? In 2050, 2060 or 2090? Your arguments are ridiculous and you show NO LOGIC. The logic and clear strategic position of Progressive Democrats is very clear. We push progressive positions within the Democratic Party. There are good Democrats and others who are terrible like Manchin and Sinema. We support the most progressive elements while we criticize and pressure the others. We know that we will not get EVERYTHING we demand, but if we consistently promote our values, principles and policies we will eventually accomplish some of our goals, if not all. If the Republicons are in power none of this will happen. With that I am ending this conversation. Go back and study the New Deal. Bye.
Insanity is continuing to make the same mistake over and over again. Inequality is getting bigger and so is Climate Change, continue to vote the same, and you will get the same results.