Thank you so much! I so much look forward to your writing, especially since October 7. I appreciate your incisive insight and sense of justice. I was raised Catholic and appreciate the beautiful parts of it. But I no longer practice that faith. It includes so much hypocrisy. I do all I can to share pro Palestine information on social media. Thank you so for this beautiful writing.

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Jesus said "You shall know a tree by it's fruits."A great truth.Jesus also said that we should not return evil for evil.One genocide does not justify another.

Jesus is "the Way,the Truth and the Life" and the coming one world religion,which the pope is promoting, is the ultimate blasphemy.

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Thank you for your moving post. What I want to do is to encourage more of us to think about new ways to think and act on this issue.

There must be a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, not with Palestinians suffering under oppressive conditions, but as a place where all live with peace and equality. It is time for Pope Francis to do more than talk. He must go to Gaza and make a stand for peace and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Other petitions, including



Ceasefire Now:


Signing petitions is one small thing we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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You think the Jews will listen to the Catholic Pope???

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Maybe the Palestinians will rape and burn the Pope and all his altar boys. Then the Catholics can forgive Hamas, turn the other cheek, and keep blaming everything on Jews as usual, as they forgave the Crusaders, Mohammed, Hitler and Stalin?

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Profound truth, beautifully written.

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But once , the child is born, everyone is on their own.

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I don’t think that’s the point. It would alter the current focus and help change the dominant narrative. That is the kind of thing we all need to be doing, rather than continuing to appeal to TPTB who control that narrative, which is a never ending spiral of death and destruction. Anything that could upset that is worth giving a try.

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You are so original, Joy. Of course the answer to all life’s problems must always be to kill Jews. Are you okay?

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Many preachers have long taught that the writings in the New Testament are allegories. Jesus also said we are ALL “the son of God”

There is no tribe that God prefers above all others.

There is only one SOURCE of life, after that it’s up to individuals to direct their individual lives. Since we are all fearful, we band in groups & lash out in violence to perceived fears.

Jesus’ message was supposed to be one of peace & love, not violence & control.

One can follow Jesus’ example without belonging to a particular sect.

Orthodox Catholics don’t even recognize the legitimacy of Pope Francis & tried to excommunicate Biden over the abortion issue (& they wonder why so many youngsters are leaving the faith?)

Orthodox Jews don’t recognize Reform Judaism

The reformation created a schism between Catholics & other Christians

Religion (for me) no longer means spirituality. It is tribal (& a means of control.)

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Sentimentalising the Death Cult of the Nativity is unforgivable, Eskow. The most unforgivable crime of the Jews is their hideous religion, far worse than Zionism which is just a variation of European and Arab nationalism. Judaism is after all the primary Abrahamic creed, like a cancer which has metastasized into even more toxic, genocidal forms: Christianity, Islam, Capitalism and Communism.

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Jesus himself could never answered that question. It is too broad and vague to be serve as the structure for a law.

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He found a powerful message. Don’t shoot the messenger.

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If he ever comes back I will personally crucify him. My people have paid in advance. If Hell existed he would be the first in line, closely followed by Mohammed, Moses and George Washington.

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Not all Christians believe in the left behind mass hallucination. Most of the pro Israeli faction in America are Evangelicals who believe they will be swept up alive by big sky Jesus. Yes that is the death cult. You paint a broad stroke of hatred for religion. Why George Washington? Who are you?

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Anyone who defends slavery and genocide can easily justify racism and antisemitism. That’s the history of Christianity, Islam and the USA. Some things, sadly, never change.

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