In The Nation: The Pro-Worker Left vs. the Dems' “Business Model”
It’s time to explore alternatives from the past and the present.
I wrote an essay for The Nation on the need for new forms of left-populist activism that are unhindered by the political constraints of the Democratic Party. The headline, which I didn’t write, is “Left-Populists—Unshackle Your Imaginations!” The subhead is, “It’s time to challenge the Democrats’ ‘business model.’”
The party does have a de facto business model, which conflicts with pro-worker policies. That helps to explain a lot of its otherwise puzzling choices. As the column says, “It’s time to stop talking about what Democrats need to do and start talking about what the left should do.” It offers some alternative approaches by drawing on American history and some of today’s independent organizing efforts.
The headline’s drawn from this paragraph:
“There are many conversations to be had, many avenues to explore. The first step for left-populists, however, is to unshackle their imaginations. Yes, the left should engage with many institutions, including the Democratic Party—but on its own terms, pursuing its own ideals, and shaping its own unfettered vision for the future.”
Again, the column can be found here:
It may be, as the first commenter says, that labels, such as left and right, no longer match the circumstances, but I, for one, am not ready to let go of a lifelong perspective, because when we change the words, we do more than just alter the spelling, and it's not clear where that perspective is heading.
However, that being said, I have no objections to taking on as many additional labels as necessary, if it helps join the various factions of those who know they have been screwed by the current ruling elites. There is no question that more of the same is continuing this never-ending spiral of war, destruction, pain, and misery.
I'd go one step further. Why even talk about "the Left" as an entity here in the U.S.? There are historical precedents for eschewing those labels and forming something entirely different.